Monday, June 18, 2007

Down 2.4! Yee Haw!

That was after a small TCBY at the movies on Friday.

Yes at WI I was down 2.4, I'm so happy it's ridiculous. I'm now totally excited about what I can achieve.

Saw Oceans 13 on Friday and I liked it. A bit slow in parts but you can't beat the hip vibe, dialogue and the hotties in this movie. Behaved well at the theater with a bottle of water but did get the TCBY I mentioned above.

Saturday was a bit of a disaster. Peter's Drive In, if you're from Calgary you'll understand the temptations at this place. Dinner at Chili's but I got a salad without the tortilla chips and ate half. Had to order dessert because their special was key lime pie and it was perfect. I don't think I hit a single guideline on Saturday.

Sunday it was raining so I tried the new Walk Away the Pounds dvd I picked up at Walmart. This was the fast 4 miles. Then attempted some yoga, 15min into it my left knee did something funky so that was the end of that. Slept with a tensor bandage and it feels fine today with just a little sore spot. Stayed OP all day but didn't hit all the guidelines. I did get my new toilet so yay to being able to turn on water and use taps. I got an emergency shut off valve installed on this one, so should this happen again I won't be completely without water.

I was productive on Sunday, my basement storage room or museum of forgotten items is located directly underneath the plumbing for the bathroom so I knew the plumber would need access to install the shut off. Well this encouraged me to clear the floor and now all I have to do is go through the shelves to see what can go. I've been avoiding this room for ages and the portion I got done took an hour and half. This one of the projects I had slated for a week I'm taking off in August. So it's half done at any rate.

So the end of week was 46/56pts. I think a big part of not being a total success on the weekend was not having easy access to water. I started this challenge on a Monday after a weekend of not being OP one single day. This week I'm starting this challenge with only one non OP day behind me.

Today is completely planned and with lunch done I'm still on target.

Another loss of two pounds or more might be a stretch but I'm going to try by keeping all 8 guidelines. I'm heading to 160s and I'm going forward not back.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!


  1. YAY 2.4!
    Way to go. love those weeks. watch out 160's!

  2. Awesome loss! Congrats!

  3. Whooo hoo! Great loss! And I totally understand the Peter's Drive In struggle... have they not figured out the concept of "small" milkshakes yet?! I love Peter's, but really now, those shakes are so huge.

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Wow, you've been a very busy girl!
    w00t w00t! on the lbs lost! Yay!!! Here's hoping I can do it too.. heh. It's Tuesday right? A long week of behaving to go still.

    Glad you got your toilet and basement figured out, that's always a nice feeling to get those kinda things outta the way.
