Monday, May 28, 2007

10 hrs of Yoga

Yes, between Fri and Sun I did 10 hrs of yoga which included one headstand, one handstand and one shoulderstand. I was wicked impressed with myself as I haven't done a headstand since elementary school. I was pretty scared too. They weren't pretty and not quite balanced, but hey I was upside down.

The Om store was closed on Thursday even though the door said open until 7pm and it was 5:20pm. Doesn't matter, found mat spray on the weekend and bought a second mat. I wound up on linoleum on the first two days and one mat does not offer a whole lot of cushyness. The second mat is a bit thicker and it's beautiful. Has natural stripes of purple, green and burgundy that flow into each other sort of - not distinct lines.

I loved this weekend. Kate Potter is amazing, inspiring, insightful and funny. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on her website for future opportunities to learn from her.

H and I made it to WI and I was down a pound...whoo hoo. It's been a while since I've seen a whole number. The stay was awesome, great hotel but after yoga we didn't do much. We were pretty exhausted. I can feel every single muscle.

It was good to come home and sleep in my own bed.

Tonight I might be seeing Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End. I just bought the 2nd one as I've never seen it. Oh well, I heard a review that said it's okay if you haven't seen the second one.

Transit and the city are talking today...again. Fingers are crossed there will be a settlement and no strike.

What else, we talked about Ayurveda over the weekend. I think I still have my training stuff from a bazillion years ago when Body Shop carried an Ayurveda line. I think we were before our time then.

I think that's it.

Please comment if you visit, I'd love to find you guys as well.



  1. that's a heck of a lot of yoga!

    congrats on the loss - well deserved :)

  2. yay for another pound gone!

    ...I''m horrible at yoga. and very impressed with the "stands" :)

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Unbelievable that you were doing handstands and shoulderstands! I'm gobsmacked. I can barely do the tree pose without wilting.;-)
    You never cease to amaze me, Cowgirl.
    And you're awesome for taking on 10 hours of yoga this weekend. Was there any Bikram?

  4. 10 HOURS of yoga!?! WOW!! That is awesome!! Kudos on the head stands and shoulder stands...I HAVE to get out and try more excuses!!

  5. Amazing 10 hours! 1 pound down is great news. We had a transit strike last week. Thankfully it only lasted the week. All the best.

  6. I need to start doing yoga again. There is a yoga studio down the street from my house. Gotta go get a monthly pass or something.
