Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back on track -

I had mixed feelings at weigh in today, I was very happy to see a 2.4 loss almost getting rid of all my "vacation" weight that I gained. On the other hand I was a wee disappointed in myself for not keeping it together the whole week. I really, really, really want to break past the 168 range. I've come back to it 3 times now.

Yesterday after work I got invited to go for drinks which was fine. I thought I'll have a diet coke and vodka (2pts) which I did. Then the food came out and I had potato skins for the first time in a very long time. They weren't giant potato skins but I had 3 as they came on a platter with multiple things not the wisest food choice. Then I had to get a pint of dark beer to go with that. Funny that the meeting topic was "Say No to NO". That's the one thing that sucks about Saturday morning weigh in as it puts a dent in your Friday after work activities.

Alas I don't go out often so I'm not willing to move my weigh in day just yet plus 2.4 is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. I need 1.9lbs a week to get to my OP-LBD goal by Dec. 11 so 2.4 is smashing.

This week will be a bit different. I head back to site on Monday but this time I need to pack my breakfast and lunch. The bus from the plane goes to my new office space first and the camp kitchen is not within walking distance of the new office space. There's a shuttle that runs every half hour but that won't work. I'll probably get to my desk around 7:30 am, shuttle starts at 8am and I just foresee not getting a whole lot done. I have a whole lot to do.

So I'm going to bring a pack of 100% oatmeal, 1 tbsp of brown sugar, a 1/3c measuring cup and a cup of milk. For lunch I'm going with a Super Salad ala Bitch Cakes. I'm not doing the exact same thing but I picked up the ingredients while grocery shopping today and I will assemble tomorrow so I can just toss it in my bag Monday morning. I'll show you the end result tomorrow.

After this week I don't go back to site until the end of September so then I really need focus on the bring lunch to work thing. I'll think about that when I get there.

The other way my week gets complicated is I've decided to give myself an extended long weekend by taking Friday as a flexday and I need to be out the door at work by 2pm on Thursday to get on a bus to my Dad's house. I get to see the cats and I'm excited about that. I'm curious if they'll remember me from the summer. If by chance my new washer and dryer arrive by next week that will be cancelled. So we'll see what happens. I already bought my bus ticket online and printed it - which I love no long lines for me. So I didn't do a very big grocery shop today as I'll only be home on Tues night to Thurs morning.

I've decided to weigh in Thursday morning downtown as I won't be back in Calgary until Sunday and miss my regular meeting. The 7am weigh in is more similar to my normal weigh in and I'm at work by 6:30am which is just a couple of blocks away. This means mega focus if I want a 2lb loss 2 days shy of my normal weigh in.

I also decided to change my weightloss tracker above to reflect my original start weight when I first walked in the doors of WW. It helps me to know I'm past the halfway mark of 64lb goal. The list of weigh ins on the side reflect the re-commitment in January of this year.

Boy I had a lot to say today. Now it's on to laundry and dishes and then perhaps a walk.

I hope you're having a fabulous Saturday.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say way to go to you!
I'm 5'1 and right now I am at 200lbs. Yikes! The most wieght I ever held was my last pregnancy at 30 and then I was only 180.
I am an emotional eater and since 2003 I have done nothing but cry and eat.
We lost our son, Joshua, who was 16 in a car accident. OH, for the first month or so I lost weight but overnight I just started eating anything I could get my hands on.
I have started with a fitness trainer so hopefully by June 1'll be at 140 - goal...not certain yet.
If Joshua saw the shape I have let myself come to he would be furious with me. He was very active in sports and I he always laughed at me because even then I was trying to loose that last 10 pounds. I'm sorry I have muttered on.......
Take care-